用憂鬱沉穩的聲音巧妙地為聖夜增添色彩的“Christmas Beats Lofi Chill Hiphop”系列現已上市!

用憂鬱沉穩的聲音巧妙地為聖夜增添色彩的“Christmas Beats Lofi Chill Hiphop”系列現已上市! 兩部名為《Christmas Beats Lofi Chill Hiphop-放鬆心情-》和《Christmas Beats Lofi Chill Hiphop-Chill Out心情-》的兩部作品,非常適合與家人、愛人、朋友等親人共度聖夜。隨意而輕柔地與您所愛的人在心情中包裹空間。

List of Delivery Services
Title:Christmas Beats Lofi Chill Hiphop -Relax mood-
Artist:Chill Café Beats
Number:November 12, 2021
Label:Sugar Candy

List of Delivery Services
Title:Christmas Beats Lofi Chill Hiphop -Chill Out mood-
Artist:Chill Café Beats
Release:November 19, 2021
Label:Sugar Candy